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Content by tags Picard_crusher Picard_crusher, Star_trek_tng, Hurt_comfort, Science_fiction, Star_trek,
Apr 26, 2008· Was never a fan of the P/C stuff -- frankly, it would have been more interesting if they got together. But I did like when Picard and Crusher argue over …
Shop for picard and crusher on Etsy, the place to express your creativity through the buying and selling of handmade and vintage goods.
Jean-Luc Picard was a ... Commander Dexter Remmick interrogated Crusher about Picard in mid-2364 and questioned her about her true feelings towards Picard. Crusher ...
Commander Beverly Crusher ... and was not afraid to go head-to-head with Picard. Episodes featuring Beverly Crusher focused on her romantic life, ...
Absolutely not. As Sven Skoog points out, the idea that Picard and Crusher could have been intimate during or prior to her marriage to Jack Crusher is directly ...
Captain Picard & Dr. Crusher discover things about one another when they are captured by a opposing alien race, due to the fact that the Enterprise has come to allow ...
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Beverly Crusher was one of the least-defined characters when TNG was conceived in 1986. She was merely present to act as a mother to Wesley (at one point a , called Leslie) and as a romantic foil to Picard.
This is a Picard/Crusher edit made by lacrevette22DugSt and JyMahLa. Paramount owns Star Trek : The Next Generation …
Jean Luc Picard and Doctor Beverly Crusher. When Jean-Luc and Beverly first met she was already involved with his best friend, Jack Crusher. For years he kept his ...
Popular Beverly Crusher & Star Trek: The Next Generation videos Beverly Crusher - Topic; ... Picard/Crusher - The Man Who Cant ...
Beverly Crusher is the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise under command of Captain Picard
Meanwhile, Picard and Crusher realize that the implants in their necks allow them to read each other's thoughts — whether they want to or not.
Characters: Crusher, Beverly, Picard, Jean-Luc Genre: Angst, Friendship, Romance Warnings: None Series: None Completed: Yes Word count: 7374 Read Count: 1407
Star Trek: The Next Generation Rewatch ... This gets so much play as the Crusher/Picard episode that one tends to forget that …
Made by: Tracey Made by: Tari ATTACHED QUOTES: Season 7 Beverly: Jean-Luc, you don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about do you? Jean-Luc
Beverly Crusher in 2364. ... Doctor Crusher married Jean-Luc Picard. They decided that Beverly would keep her married name of Crusher so as not to cause confusion.
Jan 30, 2014· In general, we all found the budding Picard/Crusher romance to be an unbelievable plot twist - maybe, in large part, to what …
In ST:TNG "Encounter at Farpoint", it's clear that Dr. Crusher knows Jean-Luc Picard, and this had something to do with the way her former husband died. From the ...
Nov 12, 2008· My video tribute to Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher. I own nothing!
Picard and Beverly prepare to look into a diplomatic request from the Kes, one of the planet Kesprytt's two societies, who wants entrance into the Federation.
Last updated : 8th May 2016 This site contains 41 stories about the Star Trek Next Generation characters Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher.
Top 5 Trek: Beverly Crusher Episodes ... I had to get to this one some time. This is the culmination of things for the Crusher/Picard crowd. Crusher and Picard, ...
TV Shows: StarTrek: The Next Generation fanfiction archive with over 4,436 stories. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans.
My video tribute to Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher. I own nothing!
'Disaster' is by no means a yawner; there is a lot going on here. The ship is broken, ... mostly Crusher and Picard, but still, something different!
picard and crusher. Star Trek Next Generation Fanfiction Picard Crusher - Crusher USA . About star trek next generation fanfiction picard crusher-related information ...